Tuesday 16 May 2023

Vanlife dogs and a reset..

It was time to getaway in Luna again. We tend to go a few weeks within the confines of the the concrete jungle before we both start getting a little funky...So this time it was time to go out and see where the road took us. The dogs were well up for this adventure as this was the first time they would experience van life.....

So we packed up some food, warm clothes as it was starting to get a lot colder in the evenings now, and away we went. We stayed local but headed out of the city and choose to do a park up somewhere in a laybay. This is real van life, finding somewhere to put your head down at night, where it is quiet, safe and not annoying the locals. This layby was quiet at times and was slighly off the main road. It had a bin so we could at least keep the place clean and not leave anything other than our footprints.. 

This is what real vanlife was going to be like, just finding somewhere that was legal and safe to lay your head down for the night. The UK has so many restrictions on people that wish to live an alternative life and one day we will write a post on that explaining more for those that are new to this way of life, for you to get a better unstanding how so many people have to deal and cope with the restrictions placed upon them. So not to far away from our local City we parked up, it was just getting dark and Venus lite the way.We climbed into the back and set Luna up for a cosy night. We slept really well and awoke to a little roadside traffic and birdsong. We had our breakfast and decided to head deeeper into the country side.

And so it was time to head back into the shire, we had a few more things to do to Luna before Yule, and we were planning an awesome trip over the Yuletide season, so with a heavy heart we headed back to the City, until the next time we could escape! 

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The Next Chapter!...

Well hello there!. I guess you are wondering where we have been for almost a year!. Well lets be honest, i have completely negleted this sid...