Tuesday 16 May 2023

Navagating Social Media...

So, back in July we decided it was time to set up a Youtube account for Non Lost Souls. This was mainly for us to document our van conversion and our adventures and finally what its like to be living in a van within the UK. We had already set up a Facebook page as well as Instagram, so it seemed fitting to then head over to YT. Wow, who knew standing in front of the camera would be so awkward. Dont even get me started on the filming, editing and uploading, it's a bloody minefield. But we did it, they are not great and we are still getting used to picking up the camera and filming and there are times when we were building Luna that we didn't even think about filming what we were doing, but hey, there are some corckers out there so if you are ever intreasted in seeking us out just look us up, on any social media plateform. Any how its been almost a year since we set up our YT account and yes we are still really crap at it, but we hope in time to get better, but like i said in the beginning this was all about us documenting our van and lifestyle, and if we can get a little help from it to help us along the way then thats just a kind bonus from the universe and our subscribers.. We noticed a trend on YT with the thumbnails but we noticed it was almost always just clickbait and there is no way we are ever going to go down that route. We always said we would keep our videos real and that is what we show you, real life, no fake bullshit so we hit the numbers, we want you to come and hang out with us and not entice you to watch so the number of views go up. We agreed we show the good, the bad and downright ugly side of vanlife as it is not all those perfect Instagram posts we all see..

We both love taking photos so FB and Insta were never going to be a problem for us, and Steves photography is often breathtaking and he is so clever at the angles and his way of seeing things through a lens...Then we decided to do Ticktoc and out of all our social media plateforms this one seems to be doing really well. It does take a lot of time and effort to keep up with daily posts, making sure we have good content and replyig to all the lovely messages we get, but again we are hoping that all of this along with our little witchy craft online store, and working when we can at festivals and farms etc, will help us in maintaining our lifestyle.

And with that little nugget of information out, its time to get back to the conversion of our home and we were heading into Bristol to catch a few gigs and to check out some of the local surrounding areas for park ups. We found a couple of stunning locations and one not so stunning, that almost sent me off the rails, but that is a story for another time... 

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The Next Chapter!...

Well hello there!. I guess you are wondering where we have been for almost a year!. Well lets be honest, i have completely negleted this sid...