Thursday 30 March 2023

The Path to Freedom..

After spending a couple of weekends working on Luna, it was time to get in her and have some fun. Now we've always said, when you get your van, don't just sit there and design the layout, get into it and go and live in it, that way you will get a feel for how you want to utilise that space and it will save you time and money in the long run. So on that note we decided to head into Wales, it's a place that's less explored by Steve and I and we found the perfect park up. It was situated right next to Tintern Abbey which i believe is in Monmouthshire, now  that's a view to wake up to right!.

We found this perfect parkup on an app that most vanlifers use, and since it was the first time we were spending a few nights in her we wanted to be somewhere not only stunning but somewhere where we knew we would be OK for the night. No one was going to bother us and move us on. I won't go into too much detail about the place as once a gem like this gets over populated by those that don't follow the etiquette of vanlife then there's a stop to it and the government have already made it hard for those of us that want to live a more alternative lifestyle. 

So once we had arrived it was time to make Luna more like home. We had all our camping gear with us so we had the means to live comfortably. As it was late Autumn we also had a cute little camping gas fire with us to keep us warm. So we settled down for the evening, chilling and planning what we were going to do with the freedom of the next couple of days...
Wales is a beautiful country and really doesn't get enough credit, its full of myths and legends and really is worth visiting if you ever get the chance. We can't wait to explore every inch of this gem when we go full time.

After having one of the best night sleeps we can both remember, we awoke to just the sound of birds. Now, waking up naturally and just having the sounds of nature really does cleanse the soul and sets your mindset up for the day!...
We spent the morning taking in the sights that surrounded us and headed off to our next park up which was situated in a quiet woodland picnic area. This place was a little harder to find but boy what a parkup. We arrived late afternoon and there was another van parked up so we had the place basically to ourselves. 
We spent the evening just taking in that beautiful Autumn sunset that we are lucky enough to get in the UK and the night sky did not fail to disappoint us. As I've said previously we are such sky watchers and seeing the night sky without any light pollution really does take your breath away and gets you thinking more deeply about how we should be living our lives. We are not born to be controlled and become slaves to the establishment, we are all born to be the free wanderers and safe keepers of this amazing planet we call Earth. So we all need to take back control even if just a little and start living the lives we are meant to live.
After another amazing evening and the best sleep ever, we headed back into England to a beautiful place called The Forest of Dean.

Wowser, have you ever been to the Forest, oh my goodness it's so beautiful especially at this time of the year, the trees are changing their colours and it's breathtaking, even when it rains. Which it did, but the sound of the rain hitting Lunas roof got us sunggled under the skylight to listen to the sounds of nature and to witness the Autumn leaves dance upon the currents of the wind which soon sent us drifting into an afternoon of slumber before heading back into the concrete jungle we are currently residing in. BOO!..... There is nothing worse than having to stop doing something you love just to fall back into society's cluches even just for a short while. It tears your soul apart and it's hard getting those peices back together, but you do, as you know it's just a temporary moment until you are free again, that thought alone gets you through the next few weeks before you can do it all again.......

Tuesday 28 March 2023

And so it begins.......

The day we brought Luna home, and yes we did go and name the van, you have to right! The name was decided before we had even seen a van, but both Steve and i both agreed on the name while we were travelling down a motorway! It was one of those epiphany moments, the name came to us after seeing it written on the back of a Motorhome LUNAR, but we dropped the R as Luna is connected to the moon and we are both such moon gazers, we knew that had to be the name of the van. And Luna is so perfect for her. But, as i was first saying, the day we brought her home, Steve was straight in her to start clearing out the old shelving that had been so horribly constructed inside, the carpet was ripped out and the bulk head was also removed. But......... then we were both struck down with Covid and that put paid to any more work being done on her for at least a week, but that did not stop us from ordering all the bits we could from our sick bed, ready to get back into her and to start the journey of making her our home.

Eventually we were in Luna, we were so excited to be finally doing some work inside her. We stripped all the brackets and shelving out, pulled up the carpet and gave her a much needed clean.

She was looking really good underneath all that carpet and wood, no rust to really deal with, well she is quite old bless her so we were expecting to find a lot more things that would need doing before we could really get our inspiration juices flowing. So we continued to give her the attention she needed before cutting in some windows... Now, if any of you have ever cut a hole in the side of your van, you will know that this is one scary moment!. But Steve measured and measured again, and then...... measured again, we put the template on and out came the jigsaw! Eeeeeeeeek, i ain't going to lie, my heart was pumping but i had every faith in that man of mine and boy did he deliver, the first window was a success! BOOM, let there be light!, so we bite the bullet and the portholes in the back doors were also fitted, along with the fan and our massive skylight!

How amazing does she look?..... 

So then it was time to get inside and get the sound deading done and this is where the Goddess demanded her blood sacrafice!!!!!.........

We are the Non Lost Souls........

Welcome to our little space within this Ether. We are Steve and Billie otherwise known as Non Lost Souls. We are currently in the middle of a van conversion so i guess this is where i begin our story!....

We decided in 2022 to buy a van, convert said van into our tiny home on wheels and move into her. In September 2022 we fell in love with a LT35 VW van after many months of searching for the right one. Then one day, the universe put everything into plan and we soon discovered the perfect van for us. We were actually heading away on one of our many wild camping adventures when we first went to see her, but as we entered the yard where she was currently residing, there she stood, lonely and confused as to why she was being sold on and no longer loved and needed by her previous owner. The rest as they say is history and by the following weekend we brought Luna home to continue with her most amazing journey yet!


The Next Chapter!...

Well hello there!. I guess you are wondering where we have been for almost a year!. Well lets be honest, i have completely negleted this sid...