Tuesday 16 April 2024

The Next Chapter!...

Well hello there!. I guess you are wondering where we have been for almost a year!. Well lets be honest, i have completely negleted this side of my social media plateform. This is due to many factors that i won't bore you with but mainly its due to being downright lazy and concentrating maining on the YouTube side of things. So if you are interested in the gap year please head over to our channel and that will fill in any blanks.. 
So head over to YouTube and search for Non Lost Souls and hey there we are. Don't forget to subscribe and leave us a comment,  it really does help us to grow and we love hearing from you..

And so we shall begin on this new chapter as we finally left the shire in November 2023 as fulltime nomadic van Dwellers...
So I shall attempt,  and I can't promise anything, but I will do my best to update here weekly.. But please head over and check out what we have been up too in Scotland, in winter, in a van!. Its been a journey so far.. 
And hey, before you leave and check us out, please leave us a comment.. 
Until next week!!...

The Next Chapter!...

Well hello there!. I guess you are wondering where we have been for almost a year!. Well lets be honest, i have completely negleted this sid...